Friday, February 5, 2016

Fixtures finally done

Well finally I have all five of the main fixtures and templates finished.  This is why it took me so long to pull the trigger on actually building a mandolin.  I have be contemplating this build for years and was always stopped by the thought of the daunting task of building the jigs, let alone the mandolin itself.  Including the bending, the fretwork, binding, inlay and finishing, that can stop most folks from even trying.  If you also factor in the tools involved to do one from scratch, these are the reasons it took me four years to actually buy the book. 

It reminds me of when I built my house.  It took 1 ½ years to finish.  At times it seemed so overwhelming.  I use to call it the largest honey-do list.  As I started the building process, I would focus on one task or one day at a time.  As the weeks grew into months, my confidence grew as well as my skills.  When I took a short rest to look backwards at my progress, the overwhelming feelings dissipated.  I am counting on this same feeling for this protect.  This is the great milestone for me on this new journey that I almost did not start.  Let the carving, bending and no mistakes begin!!

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